Sunday, January 12, 2014


This week's homework is to make "A PLAN."  So, what is my plan? what am I going to do differently this time? What works for me? What doesn't? I think I'm going to need a three pronged attack .. or three pronged strategy.  Exercise....Eating....Stress Management.  The first two I have a plan for...the third one is where I need to focus my mental knife.

My hubs has changed offices and so now he has to be at his desk by 6:45 in the am. Not only that but he will probably end up doing shift work as well, which means nights and mid afternoon to the early AM hours.  I used to plan my running (when it wasn't so freezing) on his non-early mornings.  So, here's the plan for January:

1. Walk/Run at least one mile a day on the treadmill or outside.  (Which I have managed to do up until my trip to the podiatrist.  At this point I am only one mile behind.  So, if I do 2 miles today I'll be caught up.)  

2. Two to three times a week I will get in some strength training.  I would commit to more than two but this week sucked my will to live, so I will get in at least 2.  I have a feeling that they might be on Saturday and Sunday....not the best plan but it is better than nothing.

3. I really want WILL get in at least 2 to 3 Zombie 5K trainer missions.  April starts the new 5K season and I want to nail them this year!

I would most definitely like to exercise in the morning rather than in the evening.  When I exercise after the boys have gone to bed I am WIDE awake for hours.  To that end, I will have to make the commitment to going to bed early.  Which I have done before, when the boys were very little (newborn and 3 year old) the hubs was stationed overseas and *it* *was* *just* *me* + a full time job.  I made up my mind that I had to go to bed at 8:30.  Otherwise I was no good for my children or my students.  So, I am committing to getting up early to get my running/walking done.  Strength training doesn't seem to make me unable to sleep, but I'll have to experiment with that one. 

Today, starts my 2 week induction on Atkins.  I love low carb.  I have been doing low carb for at least 3 years.  Now that doesn't mean I haven't fallen off the wagon several times, but I always feel better when I am eating real food...not plastic-y fake food (yes weight watcher meals...I'm looking at you!)

Breakfast - 2 pouched eggs + 2 lean sausages
Lunch - cup of green vegetables + protein
Snack - string cheese or a handful of nuts
Dinner - 2 cups of veggies + protein

I am going to do my best to avoid sugar free candy.  When I eat it, I stall in my weight loss.  There....I said it...I can't eat it often.  Sometimes...but not a lot.  I also know that when I am tempted to eat it, it is a sign that I am under stress that I am not acknowledging. 

Sleep - I have a bad coping mechanism for dealing with stress and that is eating or staying up really late.  It makes the situation worse because then I have less sleep and less patience, less rational thought, and less ability to deal with the daily stress and yet I will continue the ugly circle by staying up late and eating the next night.  

Food - The teacher's lounge is a horrible place for food that I can not eat.  I will admit I am guilty of sending things that I can not eat to work with my his office can get fat and not me.  So I am sure that others are thinking the same thing.  "If I put it in the teacher's lounge it will be gone by the time I get to lunch." So if it is not on The PLAN, it is a NO! At home it isn't that bad, because we don't have that stuff around, or if we do the hubs knows and keeps it hidden from me. 

A Sponsor - I will work on recognizing the itchy feeling that leads to ice cream (sugar free or otherwise) and call someone.  If that isn't available, I'm sure I can talk Liam into taking the dog for a walk.  Twenty minutes of walking usually get rid of the itchy 'gotta eat something to feel better' feeling.

It feels good to lay out "The Plan" I will do...there is no try...I will do this here.  :)