Two months! two months! we've been doing this for ...two months! 8 weeks, 56 days, 1344 hours! (yes, the math gene goober rears its head!)
Two years ago, I failed miserably at a panel interview for a Reading Teacher position. I decided this year I would go ahead and put myself through the panel interview again. One of the reasons I decided to try again is I didn't want to look back 5-10 years down the road and wish I had given it another shot. I hate the "what if" game. So, I have my interview set up for next Tuesday, the 20th. Gulp! I have my 3x5 cards with the buzz words that stand for what I actually do in the classroom so that I can be more ar-ti-cu-late at my interview. What does this have to do with the Cinderella Pact you ask? Once again I'll give you the long answer, because's my blog!
Rhonda Britten wrote a self help book called Fearless Living. (Which I read part of...I know if you are going to get a self help book you might as well read the whole thing right? some day I'll finish it.) In it she asks the question, "What or how would you live your life if you were fearless?" My own opinion is that fear stops us from doing things or sets up strange behaviors so that we don't live. Case in point, I need a shirt for my interview, after 3 shops I wanted to dig into a pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream for solace. Joe, brave man that he is, talked me down of the tight rope of that harry situation. Last month when it was time to start the process to be considered for the panel interview I drug my feet and got my paper work in THE VERY LAST day. Once again, fear was holding me back. When I finally realized that fear was holding me back I strapped on my big girl panties and got all of my stuff done. Again, you might be asking what does this have to do with our CP? Fear is often why I turn to food, I'm unsure, I'm stressed because I don't know all the outcomes, I'm afraid of loss, rejection, change, etc. My goal this week is to confront one of those fears....the dreaded 5 person panel interview....and not loose myself in Ben & Jerry's.
How is fear holding you back? And what would you do if you were fearless?
I did make my bet and I am 1.5 pounds away having lost 20 pounds total. Next week I could definitely break the 20 pounds if I can keep from letting the interview get me down!